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Triple H vs

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Triple H vs Empty Triple H vs

Mensaje por Huésped Vie Jul 11, 2008 1:52 pm

Se prende el Titantron de Triple H!

Triple H vs 29ckr4y

It\'s time to play the game.....




It\'s all about the game, and how you play it
All about control, and if you can take it
All about your debt, and if you can pay it

Aparece HHH con su botella

Triple H vs 2zg52j8

It\'s all about pain, and who\'s gonna make it
I am the game, you don\'t wanna play me
I am control, no way you can change me
I have heavy debts, no way you can pay me

Le pega un sorbo y escupe mientras avanza

I am the pain, and I know you can\'t take me
Look over your shoulder, ready to run
Like a Cleaveland bitch from a smoking gun!

HHH avanza hacia el ring y se dirige a subirse a las cuerdas por la derecha

Triple H vs Wrgwhc

I am the game and I make the rules
So move on outta here and die like a fool
Try to figure out what my move\'s gonna be
Come on over, sucker, why don\'t you ask me?
Don\'t you forget there\'s a price you can pay
Cause I am the game and I want to play
It\'s time to play the game

HHH llega toma un sorbo y se sube a las cuerda mientras lnza la botella

HHH Escupe mientras hace su taunt y se mete en el ring

Triple H vs Wmlbd

It\'s all about the game, and how you play it
It\'s all about control, and if you can take it
It\'s all about your debt, and if you can pay it
It\'s all about the pain, and who\'s gonna make it
I am the game, you don\'t wanna play me
I am control, there\'s no way you can change me

HHH sube al esquinero y hace su taunt

Triple H vs F26flv

I am your debt, and you know you can\'t pay me
I am your pain, and I know you can\'t take me
Play the game
You\'re gonna be the same
You\'re gonna change your name
You\'re gonna die in flames


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Triple H vs Empty Re: Triple H vs

Mensaje por Invitado Mar Jul 15, 2008 5:48 pm

*Se Apagan Las Luces Y Se Prende El Titantron*

Triple H vs MST_RottNKorpse_2Triple H vs MST_RottNKorpse_2Triple H vs MST_RottNKorpse_2
Triple H vs MST_RottNKorpse_2Triple H vs MST_RottNKorpse_2Triple H vs MST_RottNKorpse_2


*Y Ahi Aparece The HeartBreak Kid, Shawn Michaels Mientras SusFfans Aclaman Su Llegada*

Triple H vs Thshawnreturns


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